School of Rock

What better way to “celebrate” the return of school than by showing the movie School of Rock tomorrow night? It’s at 6:00 pm in the Miami Room. This is one of my favorite movies, so I hope you can make it!!

Rock Band!!

Come join us for a game program the afternoon of August 19th at 3:30 up in the Delaware Room. I will have Rock Band out so we can play with it. I can’t wait-Rock Band rocks!

School days, school days

So school is right around the corner or if you are going to the new Anderson Preparatory Academy then it’s already here! So how’s your summer been? Have you done anything fun or exciting? Are you excited to start school again?


To all of you who participated in the Teen SRP, thanks and you rock! APL had 380 teens sign up at the Main branch this summer and broke a few records on the way!! Last night @ the After-hours party we had 106 teens from both Main and Lapel attend to play games and win prizes. Fun was had by all, even if I didn’t get to play Rock Band:) Oh well, that just means I will have to bring the Rock Band out soon for a program! keep your eyes peeled!!